Course Overview
Industry recognized certification for those wishing to enter the Children and Young People’s Workforce in England.
This qualification is aimed at those who work in, or who want to work in, the children and young
people’s workforce in England. It covers the age range from birth to 19 years. It also reflects the
range and depth of competence in CYPW skills, required by individuals working in this industry. The
qualification is designed to have learners spend time in a real work environment.
To complete this qualification, candidates must achieve 190 Credits from a choice of units specialising within your service administration sector
All workplace based (for individual or groups)
Observation, discussion, personal statement, supporting documentation, testimony, questioning.
Learner support
Learning material, optional in-company workshops
Job roles such as Youth and Community and Care Worker, Careers Advisor, Foster Carer, Healthcare Assistant, Registered Childminder/Nanny/Childcare Worker.
Qualification Structure
To complete this qualification, candidates must achieve 190 Credits from a choice of units specializing within your service sector.
To achieve the CYPW full Level 3 qualification, the learner must complete a minimum of sixty-five credits, of which twenty seven credits must be completed from Group A Mandatory Units. Learners must also select one mandatory pathway from the following pathways:
- Early Learning and Childcare (twenty-two credits).
- Social Care (thirteen credits).
- Learning, Development and Support Services (thirteen credits).
The remaining credits must be achieved from Group B optional units.

Course Outline
- Understand Child and Young Person Development;
- Promote Child and Young Person Development;
- Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People;
- Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety;
- Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Others Involved in Their Care;
- Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People;
- Understand How to Support Positive Outcomes for Children and Young People;
- Promote Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings;
- Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings;
- Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children ‘s and Young People ‘s Settings;
- Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children ‘s and Young People’s Settings.
Early Learning and Childcare (EYMP) pathway
- Context and Principles for Early Years Provision
- Promote Learning and Development in the Early Years
- Promote Children’s Welfare and Well-being in the Early Years
- Professional Practice in Early Years Settings
- (*1)Support Children’s Speech, Language and Communication.
Social Care (SCMP) pathway
- Assessment and Planning with Children and Young People
- Promote the Well-being and Resilience of Children and Young People
- Professional Practice in Children and Young People ‘s Social Care.
Learning, Development and Support Services (LDSSMP) pathway
- (*2)Support Children and Young People to Achieve Their Education Potential
- Support Children and Young People to Make Positive Changes in Their Lives
- Professional Practice in Learning, Development and Support Services.
- Work with Babies and Young Children to Promote Their Development and Learning;
- Care for the Physical and Nutritional Needs of Babies and Young Children;
- Lead and Manage a Community-based Early Years Setting;
- Promote Young Children ‘s Physical Activity and Movement Skills;
- Understand How to Set Up a Home-based Childcare Service;
- Support Disabled Children and Young People and Those with Specific Requirements;
- (3*)Promote Creativity and Creative Learning in Young Children;
- (4*)Support Young People to Develop, Implement and Review a Plan of Action;
- Provide Information and Advice to Children and Young People;
- Develop Interviewing Skills for Work with Children and Young People;
- Caseload Management;
- Support Young People to Move Towards Independence and Manage their Lives
- (5*)Support Children and Young People to Achieve Their Learning Potential;
- Support Children and Young People to Have Positive Relationships;
- Support Positive Practice with Children and Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Needs;
- Coordinate Special Educational Needs Provision;
- Understand the Needs of Children and Young People Who Are Vulnerable and Experiencing Poverty and Disadvantage;
- Support Young People Who Are Involved in Anti-social and/or Criminal Activities;
- Support Young People Who Are Looked After or Are Leaving Care;
- (6*)Support Speech, Language and Communication Development;
- Work with parents, families and carers to support their children ‘s speech, language and communication development;
- understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young people with behavioral, social and emotional difficulties;
- Support the speech, language and communication development of children who are learning more than one language;
- Support Young People in Relation to Sexual Health and Risk of Pregnancy;
- Enable Parents to Develop Ways of Handling Relationships and Behavior that Contribute to Everyday Life with Children;
- Work with Parents to Meet Their Children’s Needs;
- Support Young People with Mental Health Problems;
- (8*) Support the Creativity of Children and Young People ;
- Work with Children and Young People in a Residential Care Setting;
- Support Children or Young People in Their Own Home;
- Engage Young Parents in Supporting Their Children’s Development;
- Engage Fathers in Their Children’s Early Learning;
- Engage Parents in Their Children’s Early Learning;
- Promote Positive Behavior;
- Support Care Within Fostering Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People;
- Improving the Attendance of Children and Young People in Statutory Education;
- Facilitate the Learning and Development of Children and Young People through Mentoring;
- Support the Referral Process for Children and Young People;
- Support Use of Medication in Social Care Settings;
- Context and Principles for Early Years Provision;
- Promote Learning and Development in the Early Years;
- Promote Children’s Welfare and Well-being in the Early Years;
- Professional Practice in Early Years Settings;
- Support Children’s Speech, Language and Communication;
- Assessment and Planning with Children and Young People;
- Promote the Well-being and Resilience of Children and Young People;
- Professional Practice in Children and Young People’s Social Care.